Prima Cider
heritage ciderseveral generations ago
Prima Cider began when our family made their own ciders in the German countryside. After a long day working in the fields, cider was a farmers best friend.
Cider was affordable, thirst quenching and the perfect end to a hard days work. Today, we’re proudly making a variety of ciders using traditional farmhouse methods inspired by our family roots and recipes. Today, we’re proudly making a variety of ciders using traditional farmhouse methods inspired by our family roots and recipes.

our ciders
Always Bottle or Cask Conditioned

Cold cellar-aged, bottle or cask conditioned and unfiltered to capture the natural goodness of a farmhouse cider.

Made in strict accordance to “Method Champenoise”. Twice fermented , bottle fermented and cold cellar-aged 12 months or more.
We at Prima Cider believe these crisp and refreshing ciders are the highest quality you will find and demonstrate that fine craft cider making is possible in America and we know you will agree.
– Richard Bertsche – CIDER MAKER

Contact Us
Please contact us to find out more about our products or just connect.

Long Grove, IL
Contact us